Our vision is a democratic culture in which active participation is a given for everyone.

Democratic decision-making needs to be more flexible, dynamic and transparent. Our mission as a non-profit organization is to promote the advantages of civic engagement through online participation.

Katharina Albers

Software Development

Amelie Gätjen

Project Management (Internship)

Carolin Klingsporn

Project Management

Ricardo Lanari

Finances / Controlling

Robert Mader

System Administration

Phillippa Morland

Software Development

Magdalena Noffke

Software Development

Gereon Rahnfeld

Project Management

Moritz Ritter

Managing Direction

Marie-Kathrin Siemer

Project Management

Test Testy

Software Development

Luca Thüer

Public Relations

Frederik Wegener

Business Development

Sandy Zukowski

Interaction Design

Liquid Democracy is an innovator in the field of participatory democracy. We believe participation is key to individual empowerment and active citizenship. Our work is based on the belief that democracy in its current form would benefit from increased flexibility and greater opportunities for direct engagement in the political process. In short, that the barriers to direct democracy become »liquefied.«

We are a non-partisan, non-profit organization based in Berlin. We like to describe ourselves as a ‘Think & Do Tank’. Since our founding in 2009, we have worked on developing innovative techniques and methods to promote citizen participation. The core of our work revolves around the development of Adhocracy, a free and open-source software and digital participation tool providing users with various civic participation tools.

We employ digital technologies to integrate individuals in the decision-making process. Recognizing that technology use differs throughout the world, our software tools are designed to be as efficient, open and accessible as possible to ensure they can be used by a variety of users at any given time.

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