With our new platform Beteiligung.in we want to enable online participation in the coming months for small and medium-sized cities as well. Beteiligung.in offers a comprehensive set of easy-to-use modules, such as a collection of ideas, joint text commenting or multi-level surveys. By making the administration and moderation of participation processes as simple as possible, it should also be possible for initiators with little experience in online participation to carry out participation processes online.
- URL:
- http://beteiligung.in
- year:
- since 12/2017
At Beteiligung.in we focus on standardising as many components as possible in order to be able to offer the platform as cheaply as possible for all municipalities and at the same time provide stable and sustainable software for online participation. The platform is currently being tested by the city of Falkensee for a pilot project.
You work in a municipality or are part of a city planning office and would like to implement online participation on Beteiligung.in? We are looking forward to working with you! Please send us an e-mail and we will send you further information.